We welcome and admit individuals of any race, color, national and ethnic origin, socio-economic background to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities made available to all individuals supported by Scott Key Center. Scott Key Center does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, physical or mental disability. Scott Key Center’s admission decision for each individual is based on examination of the materials presented and consideration of information obtained during the intake meeting. From these sources, we determine if Scott Key Center can support the level of care needs of the individual referred. Each Scott Key Center student is required to have a record of a recent physical (within the last 12 months) a dental exam completed within the last 12 months, and record of current immunizations prior to enrollment. If you currently take medication, we will need original prescriptions (when possible one week prior to enrollment). Our Registered Nurse will discuss specific requirements for medication distribution with you.
- Obtain a Service Coordinator (if possible)
- Obtain funding through the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA)
- Schedule a tour of Scott Key Center
- Complete an Application for Enrollment for Scott Key Center
- Participate in an intake meeting.
- Review by the Board of Directors
- Final Decision is made on admission or no admission.
- If accepted, start date is determined based on funding.

You will receive a packet that contains all the forms that Scott Key Center is required by licensing to maintain in your case record. These forms help us better serve you. Most require your input; all require your signature. Without this information, enrollment cannot occur. Legal guardians must sign these forms; you will not be enrolled into Scott Key Center unless these critical forms are signed. An Individual Support Manager will review the information received and contact you should additional information be required. The Individual Support Manager will be glad to answer any questions you may have so please call.
2. Special Notes for First Day
3. Individual Planning Team
- Individual Support Manager: Each individual enrolled at Scott Key Center is assigned an Individual Support Manager. The Individual Support Manager coordinates your schedule and vocational services. The Individual Support Manager will be Scott Key Center’s communication link for you and for the agencies supporting you.
- Registered Nurse: Each individual is supported by a Scott Key Center’s full time registered nurse. The frequency of the nurse’s involvement will depend on your medical needs.
- Community Support Specialists: Direct care staff providing supports directly to people and are responsible for the implementation of the Person-Centered Plan (PCP). They are also responsible for documentation of daily progress toward their individualized goals.
- Transportation Staff: If Scott Key Center has been chosen to provide your transportation, our transportation staff will be responsible for the safety of your arrival and departure at Scott Key Center. Each vehicle is equipped with a cell phone and first aid equipment.

4. Communication